Simply put: this. dish. is. GOOD. So comforting, and compatible with so many side dishes, that we find ourselves going back to it again and again.
Spanish smoked paprika (without the smokiness being overpowering); home cooked, plump butter beans; kale and yellow peppers for texture, flavour and nourishment - all in a rich bath of outrageously flavoursome tomato compote. (Oh, and there’s garlic in there, too. Juuust a little. Kidding: a healthy amount, actually. But: how could we call a dish "Spanish" without a hefty amount of the g-word?)
Please make sure your Solid Stash goes straight into the freezer without delay after delivery/collection, and that it is stored at maximum -18° C at all times. Ensure it remains frozen and at a steady temperature during transport (which should be as short as possible), and utilise appropriate cooling kit for this. Once defrosted eat within 24 hours and do not refreeze. Consume within 6 months after preparation date.
Please make sure your Solid Stash goes straight into the freezer without delay after delivery/collection, and that it is stored at maximum -18° C at all times. Ensure it remains frozen and at a steady temperature during transport (which should be as short as possible), and utilise appropriate cooling kit for this. Once defrosted eat within 24 hours and do not refreeze. Consume within 6 months after preparation date.